1、省一下能源,造福千萬年。Save energy and benefit for millions of years.
2、拯救環境,從細節做起。Save the environment and start from the details.
3、人人為環保、環保為人人。Everyone is environmental protection and environmental protection.
4、熱愛生活,低碳生活。Love life, low carbon life.
5、少一串腳印,多一份綠意。A small number of footprints, more green.
6、保護環境,人人有責。Protect the environment, people are responsible.
7、積極迎接挑戰,實現持續發展。We will actively meet the challenges and achieve sustainable development.
8、節能減排,點滴做起。Energy saving and emission reduction, start by bit.
9、提高環境意識,保護美好家園。Improve the environmental awareness and protect the beautiful home.
10、追求綠色時尚,擁抱綠色生活。The pursuit of green fashion, embrace green life.
11、心中有情,腳下留情。There is love in the heart.
12、快樂騎行,你我同行。Happy riding, you and me.
13、繞行三五步,留得芳草綠。Go around 35 steps and leave grass green.
14、小草微微笑,請你繞一繞。Small grass smile, please circle around.
15、保護碧水藍天,共建美好家園。Protect the blue sky and the blue sky and build a beautiful home.
16、用心呵護綠色,用愛澆灌家園。Take care of the green and irrigate home with love.
17、環保不分民族,生態沒有國界。Environmental protection is not divided into ethnic groups, and there is no national boundaries.
18、鳥語花香,愛賞共享。The birds are fragrant and the love is shared.
19、當你不要我時,請把我送回家。Please send me home when you don't want me.
20、節約能源,大家有責。We are responsible for saving energy.
21、節能出產品,節約出人品。Energy saving products, save human quality.
22、建設綠色校園,增強環保意識。To build a green campus and enhance the awareness of environmental protection.
23、崇尚綠色消費,打造精彩生活。Advocating green consumption and creating a wonderful life.
24、多謝您的.關愛,我會健康成長。Thanks for your care, I will grow up healthily.
25、保護碧水藍天,營造綠色家園。Protect the blue sky and the blue sky and create a green home.
26、保護綠化,人人有責。The protection of greening is responsible for people.
27、我們的地球需要每個人的保護。Our earth needs the protection of everyone.
28、多一份綠色,多一份健康。One more green, more health.
29、致力節能減排,共建美好家園。We are committed to energy conservation and emission reduction, and build a better home.
30、小草在成長,請勿打擾。If the grass is growing, do not disturb.
31、騎酷炫單車,倡低碳生活。Ride a bike and build a low carbon life.
32、關注生態,呵護健康。Pay attention to ecology and care for health.
33、學校是我家,創綠靠大家。The school is my home.
34、保護樹木,就是保護我們人類。The protection of trees is to protect us.
35、地球我的家,環保靠大家。The earth my home, the environmental protection depends on everyone.
36、低碳讓地球,解脫苦難。Low carbon makes the earth free from suffering.
37、依法節能,全民行動。Energy conservation according to law, action by the whole people.
38、芳草依依,大家憐惜。The grass depends on everyone.
39、能源有限,節約無限。The energy is limited and the saving is unlimited.
40、珍惜今天能源,擁有燦爛明天。Treasure today's energy, have a brilliant tomorrow.
41、人造環境,環境育人。Artificial environment, environment educating people.
42、節能低碳,科學發展。Energy saving and low carbon, scientific development.
43、人人參與環保,共建綠色地球。Everyone participates in environmental protection and builds green earth together.
44、保護自然平衡,拯救綠色環境。Protect the natural balance and save the green environment.
45、人間知音難覓,校園草坪難培。The human knowledge is difficult to find, and the campus lawn is difficult to cultivate.
46、保護環境,人人有則。Protect the environment, everyone has the rule.
47、發展低碳經濟,鑄就企業輝煌。The development of low carbon economy makes the enterprise brilliant.
48、依靠科技進步,促進環境保護。We should rely on scientific and technological progress to promote environmental protection.
49、騎行天下,你行我行大家行。Riding the world, you can do all you do.
50、低碳環保,從我做起。Low carbon environmental protection, from me to start.
51、關愛生命健康,倡導環保時尚。Care for life and health, advocating environmental fashion.
In the same blue sky, share a beautiful home.
Use your hand well, the garbage is nowhere.
54、環境你不愛,美景不常在。You don't love the environment, and the beauty is not common.
55、保護生態環境,倡導文明新風。To protect the ecological environment and promote a new civilization.
56、低碳環保行,你我齊參與。Low carbon environmental protection line, you and I are all involved.
57、改善生態環境,營造綠色家園。To improve the ecological environment and create a green home.
58、保護環境,保存希望。Protect the environment and preserve the hope.
59、依靠科技進步,提高能源效率。We should rely on scientific and technological progress to improve energy efficiency.
60、貫徹環境教育,宣導環境資訊。Carry out environmental education and guide environmental information.
Take care of the grass. It's the messenger of spring.
62、我們是幼苗,我們都需要呵護。We are seedlings, we all need care.
63、足下輕輕,手下留情。Softly and gently.
64、青山綠水藍天,共創美好人間。Green mountains and blue sky, create a beautiful world together.
65、綠色消費,消費綠色。Green consumption and green consumption.
66、推展減廢運動,做好廢棄管理。Promote the elimination of waste movement, do a good job of waste management.
67、支持環保,愛護地球。Support environmental protection, love the earth.
68、維護社會公德,保護生態環境。Maintaining social morality and protecting the ecological environment.
69、節約資源,減少污染。Saving resources and reducing pollution.
70、同建綠色校園,共享鳥語花香。The same green campus, sharing the fragrance of birds and flowers.
71、校園美如畫,受益你我他。The campus is beautiful and picturesque, to benefit you and me.
72、節約為本,治污優先。Conservation is the basis, and pollution treatment is a priority.
73、保護生態環境,就是愛護自己。To protect the ecological environment is to take care of yourself.
74、節能解危機,地球有轉機。Energy saving solutions to the crisis, the earth has a turn.
75、拯救地球,一起動手。Save the earth and do it together.
76、創建綠色校園,從你我做起。Create a green campus, start from you and me.
77、推廣節能燈具,倡導綠色照明。To promote energy saving lamps and lanterns, and to promote green lighting.
78、呼吸綠色,感恩生命。Breathe green, be thankful for life.
79、環境幽雅,造福大家。The environment is elegant, for the benefit of everyone.
80、珍惜資源,永續利用。Treasure the resources, sustainable use.